Desk research services

In a world overrun by data, getting the right information — especially in a new marketplace — can present a major challenge for companies. 

Desk research services in Latin America offer valuable insights and data analysis, providing a comprehensive understanding of the region’s business landscape. 

At Broadminded, our vast network of partners in both the business and education sectors means we are able to provide insights that wouldn’t be available with a simple Google search.

Our team of market-research experts based across the Latin American region has a deep understanding of the best sources of research and information in each individual market. 

At Broadminded, we’ve got you covered.

The strategic imperative of desk research services

In the dynamic landscape of Latin America, where markets evolve swiftly and intricacies abound, harnessing the power of desk research is not just advantageous; it’s a strategic imperative for success. 

These services act as the cornerstone for businesses aiming to penetrate the diverse markets of the region without the logistical challenges of on-the-ground research. 

By leveraging desk research, companies gain access to a wealth of data, market trends and competitor analyses, laying the foundation for well-informed strategies that can navigate the unique challenges and opportunities that Latin America has to offer.

Your desk research services FAQs unveiled

At Broadminded, we recognize that in a world driven by data, the right information at the right time is not just an advantage but a necessity. 

For this reason, our commitment extends to sharing our expertise to unravel complexities and foster a profound understanding that empowers businesses to navigate the Latin American landscapes with confidence and acumen. 

At the heart of our commitment to clients and businesses lies a dedication to empowerment through knowledge, and for this reason, we’ve gathered FAQs about desk research to help you get a better understanding of this method.

What is desk research?

Desk research, also known as secondary research or library research, is a method of gathering information and data by utilizing existing sources, rather than collecting data through direct interaction or fieldwork. 

The term “desk research” derives from the idea that researchers can conduct their investigations from the confines of their desks, utilizing a wealth of pre-existing materials.

In essence, this research method involves the analysis and synthesis of information already available, such as published literature, reports, articles, statistical data and online resources.

How does desk research work?

Desk research operates as a strategic information-gathering process. Researchers can identify and access relevant sources, tapping into a spectrum of outlets. Using refined search techniques, they sift through vast repositories, selecting and evaluating information based on credibility and relevance. 

The collected information is then systematically organized, analyzed and synthesized, leading to the derivation of key insights, patterns and trends. By cross-verifying data from multiple sources, desk research ensures a comprehensive and accurate understanding of the subject matter.

How is desk research done?

Conducting effective desk research involves a systematic approach to gather, analyze and synthesize information from existing sources. 

Although the process can vary from project to project, here’s a step-by-step guide:

Clear articulation of the research objectives. This involves defining the scope and purpose of the desk research to guide efforts.

Determination of the types of sources that are relevant to the research. 

Outlining a plan that includes the key topics or questions that need to be addressed. 

Assessing the credibility, reliability and relevance of the information sources. 

Keeping findings organized by creating a system for storing and documenting information, including citations.

Using advanced search techniques, Boolean operators and filters to narrow down search results and find the most relevant information.

Cross-referencing information from multiple sources is essential to ensure accuracy and reduce the risk of bias.

Analyzing the collected data and synthesizing key insights. This involves the identification of patterns, trends and relationships that emerge from the information, and drawing conclusions based on the research objectives.

Presenting the research findings in a clear and organized manner. This involves creating a report or summary that communicates the key insights, supporting evidence and any limitations or areas for further research.

Why is desk research important?

By tapping into a wide array of sources, desk research enables researchers to gather insights, identify trends and draw conclusions without the need for expensive and time-consuming on-site data collection. 

This method’s efficiency lies in its adaptability to various topics and industries, enabling researchers to navigate the intricate web of information available.

This method is particularly valuable when seeking to understand existing knowledge on a specific topic, market, or industry. 

Its seamless integration into the digital landscape makes it an invaluable tool for businesses and scholars alike, fostering a nuanced understanding of diverse subjects.

Who can benefit from desk research?

Desk research is a versatile approach that can benefit a wide range of sectors and industries. 

Here’s a list of sectors that can derive significant advantages from leveraging desk research:

The Power of Desk Research


Desk research stands as a formidable research approach, offering unique advantages that set it apart from other methods:

Unlike fieldwork-intensive methods, desk research minimizes costs associated with travel, on-site data collection and participant recruitment.

With the vast array of digital resources available, desk research allows for quick and efficient data collection. Researchers can access a wealth of information rapidly, accelerating the research process.

Desk research enables the analysis of a wide range of sources, providing a comprehensive overview of a topic or industry. This breadth is particularly valuable for gaining insights into diverse and complex subject matters.

This minimizes the risks associated with fieldwork, such as logistical challenges, uncertainties in participant availability and unpredictable environmental factors. This is crucial for projects requiring stability and consistency.

By distilling existing knowledge and trends, desk research empowers decision-makers with a solid foundation for strategic planning. It provides the necessary insights to make informed choices without delays.

Unlike some primary research methods, desk research is non-intrusive. It does not require direct interaction with participants, making it suitable for sensitive topics or industries where privacy is a concern.

Desk research allows for ongoing monitoring of industries and markets. Businesses can stay abreast of emerging trends, changes in the regulatory landscape and competitor strategies without interrupting operations.

Researchers can quickly adapt their strategies, refining their focus as new information becomes available. This flexibility is invaluable in dynamic environments where conditions may change rapidly.

In comparison to other research methods, desk research emerges as a dynamic and versatile approach, providing a wealth of advantages that cater to the evolving needs of businesses, academia and various industries in an increasingly digital and interconnected world.

Complementary approaches to desk research

Notwithstanding the foregoing, there are certain complementary approaches that greatly enhance the effectiveness of desk research, creating a well-rounded research strategy. 

Here are some methods that synergize seamlessly with desk research:

White paper writing draws from desk research findings but goes a step further by offering detailed analyses, expert opinions and recommendations, contributing to thought leadership within an industry.

Survey development complements desk research by allowing researchers to collect specific data points that may not be readily available in existing literature, tailoring the research to meet precise needs.

This qualitative approach complements the quantitative nature of desk research. Focus groups offer a more holistic and comprehensive view of the subject.

The real-time data collection provided by brand tracking complements desk research by providing insights into how brand strategies align with market responses, enhancing the understanding of brand dynamics.

These complementary approaches enhance the depth and applicability of research endeavors, creating a comprehensive methodology that combines the strengths of desk research with hands-on, interactive and real-time data collection methods.

At Broadminded, we’ve got you covered

Does your business need desk research services?

In a region characterized by its diverse markets, complex regulatory landscapes and rapidly evolving industries, desk research emerges as a vital compass for businesses seeking success. 

It provides a cost-effective and efficient means to navigate the nuances of the Latin American business environment, offering invaluable insights into market trends, competitor landscapes and regulatory dynamics.

In a world inundated with data, the ability to sift through and distill meaningful information is a game-changer, and desk research services stand as the linchpin for companies aspiring not just to operate but to thrive and shape a prosperous future in the dynamic markets of Latin America.