Concept testing services

No matter the product or service you’re bringing to the market, ensuring it’s been thoroughly tested and examined by consumers before launch is a vital step on the journey to success.

Considering the vibrant and diverse landscape of Latin America, concept testing is not only a strategic business practice but also a cultural necessity to create products and services that resonate with the local audience.

At Broadminded, we understand that the context of Latin America, where markets can be diverse and consumer preferences vary across countries and regions, demands for concept testing as the cornerstone for successful business ventures in the region. At Broadminded, we’ve got you covered.

Comprehensive concept testing solutions in Latin America

A comprehensive concept testing approach often involves a strategic combination of various methodologies, each offering unique insights into different aspects of a concept’s viability. At Broadminded, we understand the importance of going about the testing process in the most comprehensive way possible. For this reason, we apply four critical concept testing methods to each test:

This method compares multiple concepts to each other, with respondents rating each concept based on a series of specific criteria. Moreover, ranking questions can also be used to determine preferred concept features.

This is a method through which target audiences are divided into small groups, in which specific features of products and services are tested.

Through this method, the target audience is divided into groups and the concepts are evaluated in a random, changing order. Each respondent has the opportunity to review each concept and provide feedback.

This method combines sequential monadic and comparison testing approaches. Respondents from target audiences are presented with ideas that they must evaluate in order to select a preferred option.


This comprehensive approach not only enhances the accuracy of concept evaluation but also facilitates a more adaptable and informed product development process.

Unlocking Innovation

Concept testing in Latin America

Latin American markets are known for their cultural, linguistic and economic diversity, making it crucial for companies to thoroughly evaluate their concepts before investing resources in full-scale development. 

Concept testing allows companies operating in Latin America to reduce the risk of product failure, gain valuable insights into local consumer behavior and refine their offerings to ensure success in these dynamic and rapidly evolving markets.

Navigating concept testing FAQs

Concept testing, a vital tool in this endeavor, brings forth a wealth of insights and clarity. Yet, as with any valuable resource, navigating its intricacies can pose questions and challenges. 

To empower businesses on their journey to innovation and informed decision-making, we present a collection of FAQs with the mission of sharing our extensive research expertise, offering guidance and knowledge to help businesses harness its full potential.

What is concept testing?

Concept testing is a crucial market research technique used to evaluate the viability and appeal of a new product, service, or idea before it is fully developed or launched in the market. 

It involves presenting a preliminary concept or prototype to a target audience – typically potential customers – and gathering their feedback, opinions and reactions. 

The primary goal is to assess whether the concept aligns with consumer needs, preferences and expectations, and to identify any potential issues or improvements early in the development process.

How is concept testing done?

Concept testing is a structured and iterative process. Although the specific steps may vary per project’s needs, concept and audience, here is a guide on how to conduct concept testing:


Concept testing preparation

Clearly outlining the goals and objectives, determining what specific aspects of the concept will be assessed.

 Identifying the group of individuals who represent the target market or potential customers.

Developing a clear and concise description or presentation of the concept to be tested.

Selecting an appropriate method for testing the concept. Common methods include surveys, focus groups, in-depth interviews, online questionnaires, or prototype testing.

Preparing the materials and questions needed for testing the concept, ensuring questions are open-ended and designed to gather detailed insights and opinions from participants.

Concept testing execution

Finding and recruiting participants from the target audience. Depending on the chosen method, this may involve inviting people to focus group sessions, distributing online surveys, or arranging one-on-one interviews.

Presenting the concept to participants and collecting their feedback. Attention should be given to both positive and negative feedback to gain a comprehensive understanding of the concept’s strengths and weaknesses.

Concept testing analysis and implementation

Carefully analyzing the data and feedback collected during the concept testing phase, looking for patterns, common themes and valuable insights.

Making adjustments to the tested concept based on the feedback, for example refining the product design, rephrasing marketing messaging, or addressing any identified shortcomings.

If the concept moves forward, it’s time to implement it and continue monitoring its performance in the market.

It’s essential to remain open to adjustments and refinements based on the insights gathered. Regularly testing concepts can help ensure offerings meet the evolving needs and preferences of the target audience.

Why is concept testing important?

Concept testing is of paramount importance in the realm of product development and innovation, as it serves as a critical safeguard against costly missteps and wasted resources. 

Moreover, in a competitive business landscape, this method provides a strategic advantage by enabling organizations to fine-tune their ideas to meet the precise demands and expectations of their target market.

This proactive approach helps companies reduce risks and refine their concepts, ensuring that their final offering is more likely to resonate with customers.

Who can benefit from concept testing research?

Concept testing can benefit a wide range of sectors and industries. 

Here’s a list of sectors that can significantly benefit from this approach:

In essence, this is a versatile tool that can benefit virtually any sector by ensuring that businesses and organizations develop and deliver products, services and initiatives that align with the needs and preferences of their target audience.

The Power of Concept Testing


Concept testing stands out as an essential approach in product development and market research, offering numerous advantages over other methods. Let’s delve into the myriad advantages that concept testing brings to the table:

Being the first to identify and address market needs or trends can provide a significant competitive advantage. This method further enables organizations to fine-tune their ideas to stand out in the marketplace and outperform competitors. 

By soliciting feedback early in the development process, companies can identify and address potential issues, market misalignments, or flaws before significant resources are invested. This proactive approach minimizes the risk of launching a product or service that fails to meet customer expectations.

This strategy is a cost-effective approach that allows organizations to make adjustments and refinements to a concept without the substantial expenses associated with full-scale production.

By investing resources wisely in concepts that have been tested and refined, organizations can optimize their budgets and resources, maximizing the chances of success in the market.

Concept testing fosters a customer-centric approach to innovation, by ensuring that products or services are developed based on customer needs and preferences, increasing the likelihood of market success. This customer focus enhances brand loyalty and long-term customer relationships.

The insights derived from this approach provide valuable data for informed decision-making. Companies can refine their concepts, marketing strategies, and messaging based on actual customer feedback, leading to more effective and targeted strategies.

This method encourages innovation by providing a structured approach to exploring creative solutions. It allows companies to experiment with new ideas while ensuring they align with market realities, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

The feedback obtained through concept testing helps tailor marketing campaigns and communication strategies to resonate with the target audience. This leads to more effective marketing efforts and increased customer engagement.


By harnessing the power of this method, businesses can gain a significant edge in the market, aligning their offerings with customer needs and preferences, outperforming competitors and thriving in today’s dynamic Latin American business landscape.

Complementary research approaches

As true as it is that concept testing is a powerful tool for gathering insights and validating ideas, it is also true that this method can be further enhanced and complemented by several other research approaches:

Desk research approach provides context and background information that can be valuable when designing concept tests and interpreting results.

Qualitative research insights can be used to inform the development of concept test materials and to explore nuances that quantitative methods may not capture.

While concept testing assesses the overall concept, message development research focuses on refining the messaging and communication strategies associated with a concept.

Concept testing often employs quantitative methods to collect structured data from a large sample of respondents. This allows for statistical analysis and quantifiable metrics. Quantitative methods provide objective insights into the concept’s market viability.

White paper writing is a valuable tool for presenting research findings and communicating the results of concept testing. They serve as authoritative documents that provide a comprehensive understanding of the concept’s strengths and potential market impact.

By integrating these complementary approaches, businesses can gain a comprehensive understanding of their concepts, refine them effectively and make data-driven decisions that lead to successful product development and marketing strategies.

At Broadminded, we’ve got you covered

Does your business need concept testing services?

In the competitive and ever-evolving landscape of today’s Latin American markets, the importance of concept testing cannot be overstated. 

These services have become an indispensable resource for businesses looking to thrive in Latin America’s diverse and competitive market, enabling them to develop products and services that truly resonate with their target audience and drive success in the region.

Concept testing serves as a crucial step in the innovation process, enabling organizations to validate ideas, reduce risks and increase the likelihood of success in the market.
Contact our team of experts to start tailoring your research solution.