Qualitative research services

In the realm of the Latin American markets, qualitative research services play a pivotal role in unraveling the rich tapestry of cultures, behaviors and perspectives that define this diverse region. 

At Broadminded, we conduct large-scale consumer attitudes research and analysis on behalf of our clients — allowing us to collect non-numerical data, through which our team of market researchers extract insights regarding consumers’ beliefs, biases, behaviors and attitudes. 

Moreover, our qualitative market research helps us to identify why something is, or is not, observed or believed by consumers — as opposed to simply answering the questions: “how much? or how many?”.

Contact our team of expert researchers and analysts to tailor our qualitative research solutions to your specific needs and objectives and gain a deep learning of your audience. Broadminded has you covered.

The crucial role of qualitative research in Latin America

In the vibrant mosaic of Latin America, where cultures converge and narratives diverge, qualitative research emerges as the linchpin for unraveling the intricate tales woven into the fabric of this diverse region.

The dynamic nature of qualitative research allows for a comprehensive exploration of local nuances, societal dynamics and individual experiences, contributing to a more holistic comprehension of the unique challenges and opportunities present in the Latin American landscape.

Unlocking the qualitative research power

At Broadminded, we are committed to sharing our expertise to equip businesses with the tools they need to thrive in an environment where every decision matters. For that purpose, we have gathered some frequently asked questions about qualitative research. 

As we embark on this exploration, our goal is clear: to arm businesses with the knowledge they need to navigate the dynamic landscapes of their industries in the Latin American region, ensuring that every decision is not just well-informed but strategically impactful. At Broadminded,  we’ve got you covered.

What is qualitative data?

Let’s begin with the basics, what does qualitative mean? The term “qualitative” is derived from the word “quality,” emphasizing the subjective attributes, meanings and contexts associated with the data.

Qualitative data refers to non-numerical information that captures the inherent qualities, characteristics and nuances of a phenomenon.  It provides a more in-depth understanding of the complexities inherent in human experiences, behaviors and perceptions.

Why is qualitative data important?

The significance of qualitative data lies in its ability to uncover rich and contextual insights that quantitative research methods might overlook. 

This data delves into the depth of human experiences and social dynamics. It is particularly valuable in exploring the ‘why’ and ‘how’ behind observed phenomena, allowing researchers and businesses to grasp the underlying meanings and motivations that influence customer behavior. 

Qualitative data adds layers of understanding that contribute to more informed decision-making, strategy formulation and a nuanced comprehension of the intricacies of the studied subject.

What are the advantages of qualitative research?

Qualitative research offers a set of distinct advantages that set it apart from other research approaches. Here are some of the key advantages:

Qualitative research allows for a deep exploration of complex phenomena, providing rich insights into the underlying motivations, attitudes and behaviors of individuals or groups.

It excels in capturing the contextual nuances that shape human experiences, offering a more comprehensive understanding of the studied subject.

Qualitative methods are flexible and adaptive, allowing researchers to modify their approach based on emerging findings or changing research questions.

It is particularly useful in the exploratory phase of research, enabling the discovery of new themes, patterns, or relationships.

Qualitative research considers the totality of a situation, incorporating multiple perspectives and providing a holistic view that goes beyond statistical generalizations.

Qualitative research often takes place in natural settings, ensuring that the results are more applicable to real-world scenarios.

Qualitative research is adept at exploring subjective experiences and perceptions, making it suitable for studying complex and multifaceted topics that may not be easily quantifiable.

While qualitative research has its strengths, it’s essential to recognize that different research questions may require different methodologies. 

Combining qualitative and quantitative approaches – known as mixed-methods research – can offer a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of a given phenomenon.

Who can benefit from qualitative data?

The short answer: anyone! Qualitative data is a versatile and valuable resource that can benefit a wide range of sectors. 

Here’s a list of industries and sectors that can gain insights and advantages most from employing qualitative research methods:

By recognizing the applicability of qualitative research across diverse sectors, businesses and organizations can harness its power to gain nuanced insights and make informed decisions that resonate with the specific needs and contexts of their respective industries in the dynamic and flourishing Latin American region.

What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative data?

The main difference between qualitative and quantitative data lies in the nature of the information they capture and the methods used to analyze them.

This data is non-numerical and deals with qualities, attributes and characteristics. It often takes the form of words, narratives, images, or descriptions.

Qualitative data is not easily measurable in terms of quantity. The analysis is interpretative and focuses on understanding patterns, themes and meanings.

This data is numerical and deals with quantities, measurements and statistical information. It is typically expressed in numbers, percentages, or statistical values.

Quantitative data is measurable, allowing for precise comparisons and statistical analyses that usually involves numerical comparisons, correlations and hypothesis testing.

Key differences:

What is a common goal of qualitative and quantitative research?

While qualitative and quantitative research differ in their approaches and methodologies, they often share a common overarching goal: to gain a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of a research problem or question. 

Both types of research aim to contribute valuable insights to the existing knowledge base, albeit through different lenses. In essence, the common goal is to enhance our understanding of the world by employing complementary research strategies that address different aspects of the research question.

Is qualitative or quantitative research better?

The truth is, it all depends on the specific research and its goals. 

While qualitative data is better suited for exploring in-depth understanding, context and subjective experiences, quantitative data is more effective for measuring and analyzing numerical patterns, trends and generalizable relationships within a large sample.

While their methods and focus differ, qualitative and quantitative research can complement each other’s insights. Qualitative data can inform the development of quantitative measures, and quantitative findings can be enriched by qualitative insights.

Together, qualitative and quantitative research contribute to a more holistic and deeper understanding of a research problem.

What are qualitative research methods?

Qualitative research methods encompass a variety of approaches, characterized by their flexibility, allowing researchers to adapt their approaches based on emerging insights and the evolving research context.

Here are some common qualitative research methods:

One-on-one interviews with participants to explore their experiences, perspectives and opinions in detail. It is useful for gaining rich, in-depth insights into individual experiences and subjective viewpoints.

Group discussions facilitated by a moderator to explore a specific topic or set of questions.

It is effective for understanding group dynamics, shared beliefs and diverse perspectives within a particular demographic.

This refers to systematic and direct observation of individuals or groups in their natural settings. It provides insights into behaviors, interactions and contextual factors without relying on participants’ self-report.

Ann immersive and long-term study of a particular cultural group or community. It aims to understand the culture, social practices, and daily life within a specific context.

Systematic analysis of texts, documents, or visual materials to identify themes, patterns, or meanings. This is commonly used for analyzing media content, literature, or historical documents.

The in-depth examination of a specific case, often involving multiple data sources (interviews, documents, observations). It is useful for exploring complex and contextual phenomena within a real-world context.

A systematic methodology for developing theories grounded in the data collected during the research process.It is often used when little is known about a phenomenon, allowing theories to emerge from the data.

The analysis of stories or narratives to understand the way individuals construct and convey meaning. It is useful for exploring personal experiences, life stories, or cultural narratives.

Focus on exploring and understanding individuals’ lived experiences and how they make sense of those experiences. It is particularly relevant for studying subjective phenomena and the meaning attributed to experiences.

An in-depth study of an individual’s life history, often using interviews and personal documents. It provides a holistic understanding of an individual’s life, experiences and development.

Researchers often choose qualitative methods based on the research question, the nature of the phenomenon under investigation, and the goals of the study.

Are interviews qualitative or quantitative?

This is a tricky question. Interviews can be either qualitative or quantitative, depending on the nature of the questions and the goals of the research. The key distinction lies in the nature of the questions and the intended use of the data.

These are open-ended and exploratory interviews. They aim to gather in-depth, rich data about participants’ experiences, perspectives and opinions. These involve qualitative data analysis techniques, such as thematic analysis or content analysis, to identify patterns, themes and meanings within the responses.

These are structured interviews and involve a predefined set of closed-ended questions with fixed response options. The purpose is to gather standardized, numerical data that can be analyzed statistically to draw generalizable conclusions.

Data from quantitative interviews are subjected to statistical analyses such as descriptive statistics, inferential statistics and correlation analyses.

Are focus groups qualitative or quantitative?

Focus groups are primarily considered qualitative research methods, since they involve an open-ended, group discussion format, emphasizing the exploration of participants’ perspectives, experiences and opinions on a particular topic. 

Focus group services provide qualitative data that is rich in context, allowing researchers to uncover rich qualitative insights and understand the dynamics of group interactions, shared beliefs and diverse viewpoints.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, it should be noted that researchers may combine focus groups with quantitative methods in a mixed-methods approach.

Is a likert scale qualitative or quantitative?

Likert scales are considered quantitative research methods because they provide a structured format for respondents to express their opinions or attitudes using ordered numerical values

This method allows for quantitative analysis, statistical calculations and the measurement of degrees of agreement or disagreement, often ranging from “Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly Agree.”

However, it’s worth noting that researchers may also include qualitative methods to explore the reasons behind the quantitative responses or to gain deeper insights into participants’ perspectives.

Does your business need qualitative research services?

Qualitative research is the key to unlocking the mysteries and uncovering the opportunities that lie within the dynamic and multifaceted Latin American landscape. These services wield the power to decipher the cultural codes, social intricacies and individual stories that define Latin American societies. 

Contact our team or research and analytics experts, and let’s start tailoring the perfect solutions to your specific goals and needs to flourish in the Latin American markets.